What is
Cost+ is a new approach to contract rates
Historically, staffing firms have calculated their contractor rates with two things in mind, their Spread and their GPM (gross profit margin). Spread is the difference between what it costs to have a contractor on the books and the hourly bill rate charged to the customer. GPM is the % of profit the Spread represents.
These two things are the guardrails determining the rates contract staffing agencies charge their customers and these guardrails are very strong and very hard to break, especially for large staffing firms. Spread and GPM also largely determine the amount of commission paid to the sales reps and recruiters at these firms. These guardrails create a variety of problems with pricing.
Reach Professionals does contract staffing pricing in an entirely different way.
Cost+ is a simple concept.
The rates are determined by the Cost of having a contractor on payroll Plus a fixed dollar markup.
That's it.
No mystery. No smoke and mirrors. No increases based on the contractor cost.
Cost+ Will Save You $500 Per Contractor Per Week, Indefinitely (on average)
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